Little known secrets that can help your teaching
How to make lessons richer, more robust, and more relevant
Scott MCleod and Julie Graber, authors of the book Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning, take a deep dive into comparing models and protocols that help teachers blend technology into learning environments and lessons.
Scott and Julie also introduce a new model into the mix, they call “The 4 Shifts Protocol”. This protocol is starting to be used by teachers, principals, instructional coaches, and technology integrationists all over the world to make lessons, units, and instructional activities richer, more robust, and more relevant for the global innovation society in which we now live.
In their book they provide eight concrete examples and secrets of lesson and unit (re)design so that you can see the protocol in practice across various grade levels and subject areas.
The book is aimed squarely at practitioners and their day-to-day instructional (re)design needs. They also explain in the book why they think the protocol is a great complement to SAMR, TPACK, RAT, PIC-RAT, and the Arizona and Florida Technology Integration Matrices. And they include numerous tips and suggestions for using the protocol in school(s)!
For the full article about Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning click the link: https://dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2018/09/our-new-book-harnessing-technology-for-deeper-learning-was-released-today.html
Not all Edtech or educational technology achieves that goal of deeper learning pedagogy within its digital modules and learning areas. In order to fly in this saturated and complex edtech environment, teachers need to know how to assess and qualify the digital resources they allow into their classroom. The 4 shifts protocol is one or many models that can help teachers assess digital resources.
The digital resource and lessons designed by Afed Education use these ideas and methods in their learning modules. Visit www.afedsquad.co.nz and see if this resource helps you blend technology with learning in a richer, more robust, and more relevant way.