Dad’s million dollar game for teachers
Encouraging a new approach to learning
A dad has created a game that helps teachers provide Financial Literacy learning modules in a fun and engaging, gamified way! The students can earn up to a million dollars, in a virtual sense, to build infrastructure, housing and amenities in this new educational resource.
“I was concerned that my 3 kids had not been learning financial literacy at school. When I pressed the teachers, they said, “if you make a resource to help us teach it, then we will ! ”, Dad, Cam Swainson-Whaanga, remembers.
So that’s what he did. He partnered with another parent who is a game developer and received some funding from Te Puni Kokiri, and they were off.
“It’s actually not just for teachers or children, individuals, community groups and adults can all play and benefit from this fun and engaging learning resource” Cam also comments.
“Many adults need to learn more about their consumer rights, dangers of loan sharks and what good investment advice should look like!”.
Cam has called his resource AFED Education and has the first 3 levels of the game in beta testing mode. Give the resource a try. Visit www.afedsquad.co.nz then click PLAY GAME.
Claire Swainson